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2022 Maine State Meeting Secretary Report
Meeting Called to Order in South Hiram, Me on August 20, 2022 at 1:05 PM
Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of silence observed
2021 Secretary Report
Read _yes__Motion to Accept Steve Widger, 2nd Steve Frost
2021 Treasurer Report
Read _yes__Motion to Accept Steve Frost, 2nd Ron Thibeault
Not a voting year, but Larry & Darlene are resigning as of December 31, 2022.
Larry nominated Mike Tesseo for president, Mike accepted, All in favor majority yes.
Larry nominated Kristen Burke for secretary Kristen accepted, all in favor, majority yes
President___________Mike Tesseo_____________________________________
Vice President_____Ron Thibeault______________________________________
Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Director__Kristen Burke__________________
Board of Directors (appointed)
Chairman, President____Larry Davis through 2022/Mike Tesseo 2023________
Last year it was brought up that board members should be present for meetings.
Bob Wood – Replaced with Deb Morrison
Marc Richie
Gary Currier
John Alley – replaced with Rod Blood
Jessica Tesseo
Hall of Fame committee Members together called to front
Chairman, John Leach
Stephen Widger
Doug Kienia
All Hall of Fame members present called to front.
Deb Morrison, Steve Frost, Ron Thibeault, John Lech, Larry Davis
John asked each member to speak about some of the highlight of their horseshoe years.
Hall of Fame Report & Presentation of award
2022 Inductees
Richard Jacques
Stephen Widger
Darlene Gammon
Indoor Courts Report Gary Currier
Gary started by saying Marc & Rabin Ritchie did most of the work for indoor horseshoe, Ron Thibeault provides lots of food. Held 2 sanctioned doubles tournaments.
All other Saturdays were open doubles non sanctioned tournaments that started at 10 am.
They sublet the space for Corn hole on Sunday and disc Golf to help pay for the yearly rent.
2023 will begin in January and go until March.
2022 New Members with Full Memberships
Chelsey Martin - Jason Westcott - Pete Russell - Kaysie Dostie - Keith Mcpherson - Tiffany Chase - Keith Veilleux - Steve Harlow - Sheree Heizler - Andrew Roy - Daniel Roy - Chris Stocks - Kristin Burke
2022 New Members with Trial Memberships
Tadd Hamel - Derrick Cole
Welcome to the family! Very glad to see some of you at the State Tournament
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Longevity Patches passed out at meeting
David Bither 10 years
David Brown 10 years
Rod Blood 20 years
Robert Eldridge 30 years (not present sent in mail 8/23/2022)
Lenny Duprey 30 years (not present sent in mail 8/23/22)
Carl York 60 years (not present sent in mail to Jane 8/23/22)
Congratulations to you all!
2021 Maine Champions
Men’s Doug Kiena 58.33%
Women’s Rebecca Tesseo 35.00%
Elder’s Rod Blood 54.20%
2021 New England Championship
Held in Bristol, VT 2 pitchers from Maine
Gary Currier Men’s B 1st place 51.67%
Jessica Tesseo Women’s C 1st place 38.10%
2022 NEC
To be held in Keene, NH September 2-5, 2022 Deadline to Enter is Wed. Aug 24, 2022
See Darlene for entry forms
Need Volunteers for the Maine shift Sunday 1PM- 6PM
Shift TD (pass out Round Robin cards, take pictures (Class & Awards) (1) Larry and/or Darlene
50/50 (2) David Bither & Sheree Heizler
Stat Room (pass out scorekeeper money) (1) Vicki Hannan or Darlene Gammon
Raffle Table (1) Darlene or Vicki Hannan
Refs (2) Larry Davis, Ron Thibeault, John Leach
2021 World Tournament
Held in Winnemucca NV No one from Maine
2022 World Tournament
Monroe, LA July 11-23, 2022 No One from Maine
2023 World Tournament
Lansing, Michigan July 17-29, 2023
Old Business
Still looking for anyone interested in running tournaments in South Hiram at Ossipee Valley Fairgrounds
Kevin Harriman (NH) with Darlene doing computer
David Wilson (NH) if someone will do the computer
Jason and Kim Silver would like to learn and try to do one
Deb Morrison said she can help on computer in Augusta if needed
New Business
Darlene was asked by several pitchers to find out the protocol for pitchers dropping out of tournaments after play has started.
Darlene emailed Brian Poole 1stVP Laws Rules and Grievance Director
Email sent
Darlene Gammon <dfgammon@gmail.com>
Mon, May 30, 9:14 PM
to Brian
Hello Brian,
I am Darlene Gammon the Maine Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Director.
I have had a group of members ask me questions about pitchers dropping out of an in progress tournament.
My 1st question is a pitcher's percentage recorded if they have not pitched 100 shoes? Does it count as a tournament % even though they dropped out before the end of the tournament?
Continued next page
In the Clyde Hewitt tournament held in Augusta on June 7th, 2022, 2 pitchers only pitched 98 & 82 shoes, they are recorded on the eShoe site under events.
The 2nd question, (that I have been asked to get information) is that some of the pitchers that dropped out still received 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place even with forfeited games.
I can see the tournament on EShoe but it does not show me who placed where. The TD has not sent me a copy of the results.
The group that approached me seems to believe that this is happening more and more. (When some pitchers believe they are "locked" into the top 3 positions they drop out instead of finishing with the opponents that still want to pitch it out.)
The temperature on May 7th was in the 90's, no one claimed to be having any medical issues. It was just too hot or they were too tired. There were 49 pitchers entered, with 42 showing on the EShoe results.
If HSMaster puts them in the top 3 even with forfeits did they still earn the reward?
Thank you for your time and looking forward to how to address this matter.
1st Response
bjpoole3564 <bjpoole3564@gmail.com>
Wed, Jun 1, 9:52 AM
to Darlene
I wanted to touch base with you and let you know the NHPA Council is discussing your questions. We have a meeting on Monday evening and will send you a reply next Tuesday.
I would have you review
RSG Book,
Rule 11, Section G-Forfeits
Requirement 2, Section E Tournament Credit
Section G - Forfeits if, for any reason, a pitcher must forfeit a game prior to its completion, this player will receive a loss for that game and any accumulated statistics (shoes, points, ringers) for that game will be deleted from their records. His/her opponent will receive a win for that game and any accumulated statistics (shoes, points, ringers) will remain in his/her records.* A contestant may forfeit any number of games, due to illness, injury, or other legitimate reasons approved by the Tournament/League Officials, and still be permitted to return to the competition. Any contestant who forfeits such games will finish wherever their W/L record puts them in the standings, unless they forfeit for unapproved reasons (see NHPA Bylaws, Article III, Section 8, a-d). If so, they will not be allowed to return to the competition, will be moved to last place in the standings, and will forfeit all prize money and/or awards for that event. If forfeiting games for unapproved reasons, this contestant will also be subject to a one (1) year suspension from the NHPA (see NHPA Bylaws, Article III, Sections 8-11); to be decided later by the
Charter and NHPA Officers. * Please note: If a forfeited game is “in progress”, a Pacer should be used so that this game can be completed, for the opponent.
Section E - Tournament Credit 1. For singles and doubles events, a contestant must have pitched a minimum of 100 shoes to receive eShoe credit. Exception: If all games of the round-robin schedule have been pitched in less than 100 shoes, these statistics may be submitted for eShoe credit. 2. In team tournament competitions, any team member who has pitched a minimum of one hundred (100) shoes during that event may receive eShoe credit. 3. For elimination tournaments, a contestant must pitch one hundred (100) or more shoes to receive eShoe credit for that event.
2nd Response
Brian Poole
Brian Poole <bjpoole3564@gmail.com>
Wed, Jun 8, 2:07 AM
to Darlene
We have discussed this issue and the NHPA board and stand by the rule about Forfeiting.
The Tournament Director has to rule if the reason for forfeiting is valid then they are eligible for payout. If it is not a valid reason they are not eligible for ranking and should be moved to the bottom of the list no matter what their record. If they have not thrown 100 shoes minimum they should not get credit for the tournament.
If you have further questions please let me know.
Brian Poole
Any Other New Business?
Deb Morrison asked announced tournament in Skowhegan
Larry & Darlene would like to thank you all for your support to keep Horseshoes alive in Maine. Setting up, Tearing Down, scorekeeping, judging, and communicating information, it all helps and is very much appreciated. Please continue with your the next officers.
Motion to adjourn Ron Thibeault 2ndLarry Davis
Meeting Adjourned at 2:06pm
Respectfully submitted,
Darlene Gammon
Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Director, Webmaster
2021 Maine State meeting Secretary Report
Meeting Called to Order in Augusta, Me on August 21, 2021 at 1:06 PM
Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence Observed
2020 Secretary Report
Read Motion to accept Stephen Widger 2nd Ron Thibeault accepted
2020 Treasurer Report
Read Motion to accept Ron Thibeault 2nd accepted
This is a voting year, any nominations?
Darlene & Larry stated that they plan to retire from Current positions after another year. They will run tournaments in South Hiram for 2022
Asked for anyone interested to step up and that we both will work with anyone to show them what we have for information and work with them to make sure they have all they need to step into both positions.
After considerable discussion Ron Thibeault asked Mike Tesseo to consider,
Then motioned to keep officers the same at this time and hope someone steps forward before next year. 2nd Steve Widger accepted to keep current officers
Officer’s Current (elected)
President Larry Davis
Vice President Ron Thibeault
Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Director Darlene Gammon
Board of Directors (appointed)
Chairman, Larry Davis
Bob Wood
Marc Ritchie
Gary Currier
John Alley
Jessica Tesseo
It was brought up that members on all boards should be present for as many meeting as possible
Hall of Fame Call Committee members to gather
Chairman, John Leach
Steve Widger
Doug Kienia
Hall of Fame Report Chairman, John Leach reports
2021 Inductees
Deb Morrison- John Leach did presentation for Deb and presented her with a plaque
Mildred Huff- Doug Kienia did presentation for Millie and presented her with a plaque
Maine Indoor Courts Reports Gary Currier Reports
The Indoor Courts will run January – March $20 entry to pitch
After payout the money goes to pay the yearly rent for the facility.
Many to Most donate winnings back to rent fund
Ron Thibeault and others donate food each week to make money for rent fund as well.
Hoping to hold 2 sanctioned doubles tournaments 1 in January and another in March
There is also Corn hole played at the same facility on Sundays.
Longevity Patches
Paul Silver 20 years
Robert Wood 30 Years
Neither member was present, patches and a congratulation note will be sent when Darlene receives the patches from NHPA
Welcome New Members 2021 in alphabetical order
Tony Bubar-David Farnham-John Knudsen-Dave Nelson-
Scott Robitaille-Kim Silver-Dylan Stocks-Darrell Taylor-Jay Wales
Thank you to David Bither for picking up the Plaques and tags
Asked if anyone was interested in making more Maine Plaques we only have 5 left Joshua Bither said he woud be interested in learning how to do it.
No spring meeting was held due to Covid 19 restriction/guidelines still in place and no particular/ issues to discuss.
Lowered tournament requirement to enter States to 1 because of Covid 2020 & 2021
2020 Maine Champions @ South Hiram, Maine
Men’s Marc Ritchie 55.73
Women’s Vicky Hannan 51.40
Elders Rod Blood 62.72
Jr Boys Jacob Lajoie 20.57
2020 New England Championship in Bristol, Vermont New England’s cancelled
2021 will be held in Bristol, Vermont only have until Wednesday August 25th 2021 to enter
World Tournaments
2020 Monroe, LA Cancelled
2021 Winnemucca, NV July 19-31, 2021 No one from Maine went
2022 Lansing, Michigan
2023 Monroe, LA
Old Business
Reminder: Maine logo t-shirts some are still available in stock, more can be ordered see Darlene
Reminder: If you enter a tournament and the lineup is posted, then you need to drop out, PLEASE call and let us know (even the morning of the tournament) you still must pay your entry fee if drop out after lineup is posted.
*Please check your phone number on the member sheet. If it is right just put a check mark next to it, if not right tell Darlene your correct number Thank you.
*Anyone have anything to add?
From Last Year
Gary Currier took the floor and asked about getting Augusta Courts ready to bid / hold NE Championships by possibly 2022. Asked if committee should be formed to get this going.
Mike Tesseo said the lights have been purchased but still need to be installed. And that they need full runways. Larry pointed out they don’t all need to be full runways.
Larry Davis added that they also need to replace many flat broken pins.
Gary volunteered to head a committee and asked for volunteers to help. Larry appointed him chairman to head it.
Ron Thibeault-John Leach-Mike Cousens-Alex Trent-Doug Kienia said they would be on committee.
Larry and Darlene later told Gary they will help as much as they can. Is there any progress? Interest? Commitment?
Gary Currier reported with Michael Tesseo, Augusta still has lights but it will be around $6000 to put up new poles in Augusta
Darlene Gammon reported, the option of Ossipee Valley fairgrounds is stalled because the fair committee has not come up with a price for us to consider.
Agreed that this endeavor should be put on hold, because of lack of information, passion and commitment at this time
New Business
*Need people interested in running tournaments in South Hiram at fairgrounds,
Anyone interested?
*Thank you all for your continued support to keep horseshoes going in Maine
Setting up, tearing down, scorekeeping, judging and communicating information, it all helps.
Motion to adjourn Ron Thibeault 2nd Stephen Widger
Meeting adjourned at 1:50 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Darlene Gammon
MSHPA Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Director
2020 Maine State Secretary Agenda/Report
Meeting Called to Order in South Hiram, Me on August 15 2020 at 2:10 PM
Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence observed
2019 Secretary Report
Read Motion to accept or repute Motioned -2nd-accepted
2019 Treasurer Report
Read Motion to accept or repute Motioned -2nd-accepted
Officer’s Current Non-Voting year
President Larry Davis
Vice President Ron Thibeault
Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Director Darlene Gammon
Board of Directors
Chairman, Larry Davis
Bob Wood
Marc Ritchie
Gary Currier
John Alley
(Need to replace, does not hold current membership card) Ron Thibeault recommends hold off till next year, Tabled
Jessica Tesseo
Hall of Fame
Chairman, John Leach
Steve Widger
Doug Kienia
Hall of Fame Report
John Leach Covid 19 made it difficult to induct and have family and friends present. Nominations and inductees to take place next year in 2021
Maine Indoor Courts Reports
Gary Currier Indoor courts set to start Jan 1, 2021. 2 weeks prior will be set up- clean up at the courts in Lewiston.
Longevity Patches
10 Year-Gary Currier- given
20 Year-Larry Davis-given
20 Year-Maynard Warman- not present, sent in mail
No spring meeting was held due to Covid 19 restriction/guidelines
2019 Maine Champions @ Augusta
Men’s Gary Currier
Women’s Deb Morrison
Elders Ron Knowles
2019 New England Championship in Keene, NH
30 entered from Maine
1st Shannon Campbell, Larry Davis, David Brown
2nd Jessica Tesseo, Gary Currier, Brian Luce, Bruce Campbell, Ron Knowles, Jeff Feyler
3rd Doug Kienia, Marc Ritchie, Paul Pontbriand, Steve Frost, Maynard Warman, Clarence Ward,
4th David Bither, Joshua Bither, Mike Williams
5th Jamie Ward, Leslie Currier, Stephen Widger
6th John Leach, Lenny Duprey
7th – Paul Dube, Robin Haley, Mike Tesseo, Lincoln Bither
8th Ron Thibeault, Everett Williams, Bob Eldridge
World Tournaments
2020 World tournament Cancelled
2021 Winnemucca, NV July 19-31, 2021
2022 Monroe, LA
2023 Lansing, Michigan
2020 New England Championship Cancelled
Old Business
New website is up and running any suggestions on content or layout-
Lots of nods no comments or suggestions at this time
Reminder: Maine logo t-shirts are some are still available in stock, and more can be ordered see Darlene
Reminder: If you enter a tournament and the lineup is posted, then you need to drop out, you must call and let us know and you still must pay your entry fee.
New Business
*New England committee proposal to vote on is:
When an emergency occurs which is beyond the control of the New England Championships (NEC) host club, and the NEC for that year must be cancelled, that host club should automatically be given first consideration to host the next NEC.
No discussion, Maine will just go with the decision made by the NEC council
*Need people interested in running tournaments, anyone interested?
No volunteers’ at this time
*Please check your phone number on the lineup sheet. If it is right just put a check mark next to it, if not right tell Darlene your correct number Thank you.
One person (Thank you Everett Williams) made a note with updated number.
*Anyone have anything to add?
Gary Currier took the floor and asked about getting Augusta Courts ready to bid / hold NE Championships by possibly 2022. Asked if committee should be formed to get this going.
Mike Tesseo said the lights have been purchased but still need to be installed. And that they need full runways. Larry pointed out they don’t all need to be full runways.
Larry Davis added that they also need to replace many flat broken pins.
Gary volunteered to head a committee and asked for volunteers to help. Larry appointed him chairman to head it.
Ron Thibeault-John Leach-Mike Cousens-Alex Trent-Doug Kienia said they would be on committee.
Larry and Darlene later told Gary they will help as much as they can
*Thank you all for your continued support to keep horseshoes going in Maine
Setting up, tearing down, scorekeeping, judging and communicating information, it all helps.
Meeting adjourned at__2:35 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Darlene Gammon
MHPA secretary
2019 Maine Secretary Report
Meeting called to order in Augusta, Me on August 17, 2019 at
Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of silence observed
Read Motion Accepted
2019 TREASURER REPORT August 2018- July 2019
Read Motion Accepted
ELECTION OF OFFICERS 2019 voting year
Current nominations:
President Larry Davis
Vice President Ron Thibeault
Secretary Darlene Gammon
Treasurer Darlene Gammon
Board of Directors
President: Larry Davis, chairman
Bob Wood
Marc Ritchie
Gary Currier
John Alley
Jess Tesseo
Hall of Fame
John Leach, chairman
Steve Widger
Doug Kienia
John Leach
Gary Currier
10 year - Sonny Allen & Denise Braga LaPlante
20 year - Mike Williams
30 year - Charlie Lytle
50 year - Doug Kienia
2018 State Champions
Men Marc Ritchie 57.18
Women Deb Morrison 44.12
Elders Ron Knowles 65.52
Jr Boys Colby Card 6.33
2018 New England Championship
32 entered from Maine
5-1st Place: Gary Currier, Mike Williams, Steve Frost, Paul Pontbriand & Denise Braga LaPlante
5-2nd Place: Doug Kienia, Bob Eldridge, Dave Brown, Lenny Duprey & Leslie Currier
4-3rd Place: Larry Davis, Lincoln Bither, Jamie Ward & Ron Knowles
2019 World Tournament Wichita Falls TX
2 entered from Maine
Gary Currier -Senior A, finished 8th in Prelims 54.62% & 9th in Championship 53.67%
Maynard Warman- Elders B1 finished 4th 53.67%
2020 World Tournament to be held in West Monroe, Louisiana July 13-25, 2020
2021 World Tournament to be held in Winnemucca, Nevada
2019 NEC volunteers needed
Referees -
50/50 -
Stat Room -
Sign up for the New England’s by August 23rd
The spring meeting was held in Lewiston on Feb 9th, 2019
With discussion of whether or not Maine may be interested in holding the New England championships. No decisions were made.
Maine website is changing
Go Daddy is discontinuing the program for our current site, the new site will look different but it will have more features and be cheaper. Darlene is in the process of coping the information on current site to the new one. It will go live once this is done.
T shirts, hooded and zippered sweatshirts and garden size flags have been made and sold with the new logo. So far it has been a success.
Guidelines for State awards
State Plaques and a year tag are awarded for a pitcher placing as follows by class size.
1-3 in class 1st place
4-5 in class 1st & 2nd Place
6 or more 1st, 2nd & 3rd Place
Tags only are given if you have previously received a plaque.
Guidelines for setting up the State tournament will be discussed at the winter meeting to keep it consistent and easier to set up the State Tournament for the TD’s
Thank you all for supporting Horseshoes, setting up, tearing down, scorekeeping, judging.
Meeting adjourned
Respectfully submitted,
Darlene F Gammon
MHPA secretaryHaving a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.
2018 Maine Secretary Report
Held in South Hiram, Maine August 18th, 2018
Called to order at 1:52 PM
Pledge of Allegiance & Moment of Silence observed
2017 Secretary and Treasurer reports read and accepted
Not a voting year for officers Next election will be 2019
Board had appointed Jessica Tesseo on May 19th, 2018 to fill the vacancy on the executive board left from Punky's passing. Members voted to keep Jessica on the executive board. Jessica accepted.
Hall of Fame
Members inducted for 2018
Dick Smith
Maynard Warman
John Leach
A brief history was read for each and all were given HOF plaque and their names were added to the perpetual board.
Longevity patches were handed out to those present and mailed to those absent
10 years John Gray & Paul Nelson
20 years John Alley & Bruce Campbell
40 years Steve Frost (also gave him his 30 year patch)
2017 State Champion
Mens Gary Currier 63.71 Womens Deb Morrison 44.49
Elders Ron Knowles 57.73 Jr Boys Graham Blood 8.5
2017 New England entrants
29 entered from Maine 2- 1st Place Lenny Duprey, Rich Lapointe 5-2nd Place John Alley, Mike Williams,Mike Tesseo, Robin Haley, Paul Nelson 3-3rd Place John Leach, Vicki Hannan, Ron Knowles 2018 World tournament in Florence SC 18 entrants from Maine
1st Brian Luce, 3rd Maynard Warman & Sonny Allen
2018 New England championship dates Sept 1,2,3 and sign up deadline Aug 22 help at NEC volunteers
Referees ?
50/50 Lenny & Paul Stat Room Darlene & Jess? Mass covered stat room
Kitchen ? Darlene worked Kitchen
2019 Worlds Wichita Falls, Tx July 22 to Aug 3, 2019
At 2018 World Executive board meeting it was announced that it is acceptable to give Jrs money prizes. It does not affect their future in any way.
Courts will be re-sanctioned in 2019
NHPA is offering a new member packet to any NEW member that joins the NHPA and pitches in 2 sanctioned tournaments. (bag shirt, new logo patch)
Old Business
At 2017 meeting some had asked about printing from Maine website. Some pages need the % size changed on the print page depending on your computer and printer settings.
Feb to Dec 2017 site had 12604 visitors. 2018 Jan to August 15838 visitors.
I will continue to send a copy of the next years Maine tournament schedule with any cards issued and sent by mail after new schedule has been finalized, and paper copies will be available at each tournament, as well as on the Maine website, or by request by phone or email.
New Business
Discussion of spring meeting
To change bylaws to not be required unless there is business that needs to be addressed. no change at this time
It was agreed to hold the meeting either in Lewiston or by conference call because of the distance members would have to travel.
New England executive board asked if each state would donate $50 to the New Englands to be used to help cover the cost of the NEC. This was voted no by all members present at the state meeting.
Google has changed their rules and is now charging a fee or the need to purchase a new plan to have the secure lock on the task bar as of July 30,2018.
( I have not seen any other sites making the change to secured and Go Daddy has told me that the site is not in any more danger than before except for sites that sell things and exchange money) Voted to leave it as is at this time.
Maine logo
In 2017 it was proposed to choose a logo to represent Maine.
At this state meeting 2018 it was voted on by a show of hands and then by a another show of hands for the top 2 from the 1st round.
( Thank you to Ron Knowles who entered the base logo that was chosen with minor adjustments) Winning Logo I (Darlene) will get some prices over the winter on Patches, hats, shirts. There is also interest in having flags with the logo on them.
Thank you all for supporting Horseshoes, setting up, tearing down, judging, & score keeping.
Meeting adjourned at 2:40 PM
Respectfully submitted, Darlene Gammon MHPA Secretary
2017 Maine State annual meeting
Held in Augusta August 19th 2017
Call to order at 12:55 pm
Pledge of Allegiance & Moment of Silence was observed
Secretary report read & accepted Treasurer report read & accepted
Election of officers Maine by laws say election of officers each year NHPA by laws say executive council should be elected for a minimum 2 year term. Motion made to keep in line with NHPA All in favor by raise of hands accepted Keep current officers and start 2 year terms 2017
next election of officers will be 2019 state meeting
Current officers:
President Larry Davis
Vice president Ron Thibeault
Secretary/ Treasurer Darlene Gammon
Executive Board: Current
David Gallant
Bob Wood
Marc Ritchie
Gary Currier
John Alley
Hall of Fame
John Leach
Steve Widger
Douglas Kienia
Asked if anyone is interested in any positions/boards? No replies
Hall of Fame Report/inductees
John Leach board (chairman) read short introduction and inducted Charlie Lytle into the Maine Hall of Fame
Please think about this in the coming year and make any written nominations to the chairman (John Leach) or one of the Hall of Fame board members for consideration. A copy should also be given to the President and secretary of MHPA. Nomination Forms are on website, Or from the MHPA secretary. Nominations should be submitted by July 1st to allow time to consider/discuss and prepare facts for induction. Longevity
Darlene passed out patches to the following members
30 Years Paul Dube
10 years (2016 Steve Eastman) Ron Morey Joe Carson Ron Douglas Marc Ritchie Also not present 10 year members, Steve Labrecque Paul Cloutier ANNOUNCEMENTS
Last year’s Champions
Men’s Gary Currier 55.77% Women’s
Vicki Hannan 39.75%
Elders Maynard Warman 62.50%
2016 New England Championship
29 entered from Maine 2017 World Tournament
4 from ME Gary, Leslie, John & Maynard Congratulations to all 2017
New England Championship Keene, NH Sept 1-2-3-4, sign up must be received by August 23rd (this next wed) Help for NEC Sunday afternoon
50/50 Paul & Lenny may not be able to do this tear they are not planning to stay
Stat Room Darlene Jessica Tesseo possibly
No other volunteers stepped forward.
2018 Worlds will be in Florence, SC July 9th to 21st
Old Business: How many tournaments should be required to pitch in States Tournament?
Previous secretary notes were read. In 1995 sec report Motion was made to do away with 2 tour rule for states- after much discussion it was voted on and passed that as long as a pitcher entered 2 tours and 1 gets rained out and they can’t make it they may play in states
In 1998 sec report New members who don’t have time to get in 2 tournaments can pitch in state tour as long as they have pitched 400 qualifying shoes.
In 2000 sec report Again on the number of tournament needed to pitch in state tour. Must pitch in 2 tournaments except, Juniors and 1st year pitchers can pitch with 1 tournament and 200 shoes pitched in front of the TD or designated card holding member designated by TD to verify %.
After much discussion it was motioned and accepted that to qualify to pitch in the State Tournament a member must have pitched in 2 tournaments in the previous 11 months prior to the current year State Tournament date. This includes new members as well as juniors.
Entry cutoff 10 day rule line up posted by Tuesday PM on Maine website working well. Website, how is it going for Members? Majority likes site and wishes to continue. Last year Feb to Dec had 12604 visitors. This year Jan to August 15838 visitors. Darlene is still learning how to get things on the site and how everyone can print from the site. Some can print, others cannot I’m not sure why. We do know that it will cost significantly more for a site with more options.
Discussion was had about sending paper copy of Maine schedule to all members. It was agreed that if membership card is mailed to member secretary will include a copy of the schedule. If card is purchased in person or at a tournament copies of the schedule will be available.
New Business: Thank you for the entries into the logo contest. This was just an idea to spark interest in a logo that all of Maine would use and just add their club name and/ or their name, many states do this so the state is recognized at events around the country. We could possibly use the logo to earn money for the state with shirts, hats or patches Is there any interest in the idea? Yes there is interest. Hope to get more entries and vote on at a later time.
Cost of NHPA adult membership has increased from $17 to $25 per year.
Should the State remain at $8 for a total of $33 per year for NHPA Card?
After income and costs were discussed it was motioned and voted on to raise the cost of a yearly membership card to $35.
$25 for NHPA and $10 for the MHPA.
Average costs to run state yearly $850-900 Breakdown (Darlene went back 15 plus years of treasurer notes to find averages)
Postage $50
Office supplies (paper- ink-envelopes- cardstock etc.) $150-200 Expenses to attend New England meeting $100 Website $100 State Trophies (average 6 per year @$30 each) $240 State 1 X 6 Tags for trophies avg 20 per yr. x $1.50 ea. $30
Hall of Fame Trophies and perpetual plaque ? Secretary Compensation (average 85 members X $2)) $170 Income from membership fee $8 X 84 = $680 Income from State Tournament 50 entries X $20 = $1000 Expenses, rent when in So Hiram $150. Scorekeeper money $275-375 Total $ 1100-1300
Should we have Trophies on hand for juniors? We should not pay them money unless it is not spent until turn 18 yrs. old per NHPA By-laws Motioned and voted to get trophies to be given to any junior winners of 1st 2nd, 3rd in all tournaments held in Maine.
*It was asked if it possible for the entries into tournaments can be posted on the website before the tournament line up is posted, so they can check to see if their entry has been received. Darlene said yes this can be done, but it will involve a lot of communication between the TD and her, and may not always be immediately up to date, depending on everyone’s work schedules and availability. Will try in the coming year.
Thank you and Recognition New TD, Jessica Tesseo with helpers Vicki Hannan and Mike Tesseo Gary and Leslie for all they do running the Indoor courts
John and Barbara for running tournaments in Augusta and there guidance and support for Jessica, Vicki & Mike
Thank you to everyone for supporting horseshoes, helping set up, tear down, judging, scorekeeping
Meeting adjourned 1:54 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Darlene Gammon, MHPA sec/treas
2016 Maine State Meeting
Called to order Saturday, August 20, 2016 at 1:25pm
Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of silence for those we lost.
Secretary report from Oct 2015 meeting read and accepted
Treasurer report read and accepted
No Hall of Fame inductees
Old Business: John Alley reminded everyone to be sure to call at least 7 days before tournament to enter. This led to discussion of 10 day rule. Some find it hard to enter and send fee 10 days before because of unknown work schedules. If they enter and send in fee then can’t play because of work or other issues they will lose their money. Tournament Directors need to have the entries and fee to set up and run an effective tournament. Members agreed to keep 10 day rule for sign up and send in entry fee. Tournaments will not be posted until the Tuesday before the tournament. Members may cancel and have the entry fee returned up until it is posted. After it is posted no returns will take place. Nor will any more entries be accepted unless needed to fill a class.
New Business: Election of officers Motion was made, 2nd’d and accepted to keep officers the same. President Larry Davis Vice president Ro Thibeault Sec/Trea Darlene Gammon Needed to replace 2 executive board members and 1 Hall of Fame Member, because they no longer hold membership cards for NHPA
Executive Committee
Bob Wood
David Gallant
Marc Ritchie
Gary Currier replaced Joe Ramsdell Jr
John Alley replaced Cindy Gale
Hall of Fame
John Leach
Stephen Widger
Doug Kiena replaced Joseph Ramsdell III
Passed out longevity Patches Congratulations to all.
10 years Wayne Guiggy and gave Kristina and Jason Silver their patches due last year
20 years Stephen Widger
Presented Gary Currier a patch as Assistant Regional Director
Steve Frost was given a patch for attending 10 or more consecutive World Tournaments
Calendar Raffle Sold 108 tickets $540 will pay out $450 $90 profit
7 Maine members attended 2016 Worlds in Alabama
36 Maine members attended 2015 New Englands
Need volunteers for 2016 New Englands
2 Stat Room - Darlene & ( Darlene worked 1 pm to 6 pm shift) 2
Referee’s -David Bither & Ron Thibeault (David, Ron and Bob Eldridge back up)
2 Scoreboard attendees - not needed
2 50/50 - Lenny Duprey & Paul Pontbriand ( done raised largest pot)
2 Kitchen -
Brought before the members from the fall meeting. Should the State funds pay $125 to any TD or Club that does not need to pay for the use of the courts?
John Alley and David Gallant stepped forward and said that the Courts in Augusta do not need the $125 to pay to use the courts there.
There are no other courts at this time running sanctioned tournaments.
Should the TD charge a late fee for anyone who does not send in entry fee before the day of the tournament? Discussion above in Old business to try for a year to see if it gets better, fee tabled. New Maine Horseshoe website.
Darlene took it upon herself to purchase a 2 year membership for $99.26 Www. Mainehorseshoe.com website Is it liked by members, yes
Do they wish to continue, yes
Suggestions were to put meeting minutes and treasurer reports on the site. (both put on site) Anyone without access to the internet to get information, can call Darlene and she will print and send a copy of anything requested. (Maine tournament schedules, New England tournament Schedules, Newsline. Etc) Anyone who needs to get information by phone or US Postal mail must make sure to tell Darlene when they purchase their Membership card and should make sure to tell the tournament director when they sign up for a tournament to find out when they pitch. Or call the TD to find out after the Tuesday before the tournament.
David Gallant motioned and it was 2nd’ to reimburse Darlene for the $99.26 cost incurred.
New ideas to grow membership John Alley brought in new members through non sanctioned league.
Denise Braga brought up, setting up booth at fairs to promote horseshoes. Many thought it is good idea but no volunteers to make it happen.
Mike LaPlante brought up to put Maine State tournament results into local sports page or radio sports talk shows. That it helped Lewiston when they did a spot on local television station sports news for the indoor pits. He said he will cover his area but would need others to do other areas. No other volunteers at this time.
Should set up a committee to work on the publicity for Maine Horseshoes.
Motion to adjourn 2:15 2nd’d
Gary Currier passed out patches from winter/spring league
50/50 was drawn
Morning class winners’ were announced and trophy’s passed out.
Afternoon classes got underway.
Respectfully submitted,
Darlene Gammon MHPA sec/tras