Welcome to mainehorseshoes.com
The NHPA has a new system called Eshoe. It will make it possible for you to purchase your membership in multiple ways. The new program will be much more efficient in keeping records,membership, longevity, for patches and category changes, among other things. Going forward this program will eliminate the need for a card to be shown when you enter tournaments. All Tournament Directors are going to be able to verify online before the tournament that all entrants have a current membership.
#1.You can still send or give me your Membership dues (adults $35, Juniors $10) just as you have in the past,cash or checks made out to Maine Horseshoes or me. Send with all information requested on the application form below to:
Darlene Gammon
611 Ossipee Trail
Porter, Maine 04068
I will email, text or call and let you know that you have been renewed as soon as I receive it.. Directions below tell you how to print a card if you have a printer.
If you want me to print you a paper card you need to let me know and where to send it.
#2. You can go online to www.nhpa-eshoe.com or www.horseshoepitching.com Scroll down to Eshoe, click on it, enter your card number or name
Click on your name, follow the directions to renew your membership and print a card.
There is a paypal fee ( I think of $1.32) to buy online.
I have been told you can also save the card to your smartphone, but I don't have the directions as yet. I will post on this website when I get them.
To print your card or a duplicate if needed, please go to www.nhpa-eshoe.com
Scroll down to Eshoe, click on it, enter your card number or name
Click on your name
Click on Print and follow the directions for your computer printer.
If you do not have access to a computer or printer, I will be happy to print and mail it to you.
(Please keep in mind that this will cost the state charter for supplies and postage, although not much for a few, it could be considerable if every member wishes to be mailed a card)
You may call or text me at 207-712-4064 or email me at dfgammon@gmail.com
Please tell me your name/card number and the address you want me to mail your card to.
All State Secretaries and Tournament Directors should have access to this information.
This should eliminate the need for any paper cards in the future.
Note: If you are a new member or have not held a membership for a few years you NEW You can now purchase a new Membership online at Eshoe.com or you can still send your application and dues to me.
Thank you,
Darlene Gammon
Maine NHPA Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Director
N.H.P.A./M.H.P.A Membership Application Form
Name _________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________
City______________________ Zip _____________________
Phone______________________ Cell Phone__________________
Date of Birth ______________
E-mail address _____________________________________________
New ____ Renewal ____ NHPA card # _________________
How many years? _____________or year started___________________
Circle category:
Men 40 feet Elders 30 feet Women 30 feet Jr Boys Jr Girls Cadet
Med/Exempt If medical must include Medical Exemption Application
Med/Exempt If medical must include Medical Exemption Application
Emergency Contact name and number_______________________________
Also note any accomplishments you may have on the back of this form
like State champion, Tournament Director, Officer, position & year(s)
I would like to keep notes on your Membership Page. For future reference.
Adults: $25 for NHPA and $10 for MHPA, total $35
Juniors: $5 for NHPA and $5 for MHPA, total $10
Kristen Burke
36 Brann Road
Sommerville, Maine 04348
Entrant: _____________________________________ NHPA # ____________ Ringer % _______
Address: _____________________________________ Circle one: Mens Ladies JrB JrG Elder Cadet
_____________________________________________ Name of Tour: ______________________________
_____________________________________________ Date of Tour: ____________________
Phone #: ______________________________________ Entry Fee: _____________
E-Mail Add. ___________________________________
Entrant: _____________________________________ NHPA # ____________ Ringer % _______
Address: _____________________________________ Circle one: Mens Ladies JrB JrG Elder Cadet
_____________________________________________ Name of Tour: ______________________________
_____________________________________________ Date of Tour: ____________________
Phone #: ______________________________________ Entry Fee: _____________
E-Mail Add. ___________________________________
Entrant: _____________________________________ NHPA # ____________ Ringer % _______
Address: _____________________________________ Circle one: Mens Ladies JrB JrG Elder Cadet
_____________________________________________ Name of Tour: ______________________________
_____________________________________________ Date of Tour: ____________________
Phone #: ______________________________________ Entry Fee: _____________
E-Mail Add. ___________________________________
Entrant: _____________________________________ NHPA # ____________ Ringer % _______
Address: _____________________________________ Circle one: Mens Ladies JrB JrG Elder Cadet
_____________________________________________ Name of Tour: ______________________________
_____________________________________________ Date of Tour: ____________________
Phone #: ______________________________________ Entry Fee: _____________
E-Mail Add. ___________________________________
Entrant: _____________________________________ NHPA # ____________ Ringer % _______ Address: _____________________________________ Circle one: Mens Ladies JrB JrG Elder Cadet _____________________________________________ Name of Tour: ______________________________ _____________________________________________ Date of Tour: ____________________ Phone #: ______________________________________ Entry Fee: _____________
E-Mail Add. ___________________________________
Maine State Horseshoe Pitching Association
Hall of Fame Application Packet
The Hall of Fame Committee members are appointed by the State Annual meeting with all State members Voting for Elected Individuals to serve on the committee. The committee will consist of a chairman and two (2) members, all current MSHPA members.
Guidelines for Hall of Fame Induction:
1. The Hall of Fame Committee members of the MSHPA shall annually elect candidates to the Hall of Fame of the MSHPA in accordance with the criteria as follows.
The purpose shall be to perpetuate the names of those who have displayed outstanding ability in the game of horseshoes and / or have contributed through meritorious service, to the general welfare of the game in an area served by the State of Maine Horseshoe Association.
2. Candidates shall be selected from one of the following categories:
Active horseshoe player - individuals who through his horseshoe skills has demonstrated consistent achievement by obtaining a consistent performance and / or by consistently improving their averages.
Veteran- An individual whose accomplishments would qualify for selection, but documentation may not be available.
Meritorious Service - An individual who has contributed to the betterment of the horseshoe through personal efforts and contributions.
3. A candidate shall have been or is currently a member of the MSHPA for a minimum of 10 years. The rule would not apply for a deceased member.
4. Any member of the MSHPA may make nomination for the MSHPA Hall of Fame. Such nomination shall be presented in writing, using a sponsor application to the following individuals:
A. President
B. Secretary
C. Hall of Fame Committee Chairman
D. MSHPA Executive Member
Sponsor Application Packets are available from the above mentioned individuals, Below, or on www.mainehorseshoes.com. Forms Page
The applications must be received by July 1st during the current year.
5. The Hall of Fame Committee members will elect a maximum of 3 candidates in the performance category and 3 from the meritorious service category each year. A candidate must receive 2/3 of the votes of the Hall of Fame committee to be elected. A secret ballot will be used to vote for the candidates. All candidates nominated in a given year but not elected will remain eligible for election automatically for the next two (2) years.
6. The Hall of Fame committee will screen all candidates.
7. Persons inducted into the MSHPA Hall of Fame shall be presented an appropriate award at the Annual State Meeting in August.
8. The Hall of Fame Member that gets inducted into the State Horseshoe Hall of Fame will receive a plaque for the award.
9. The Hall of Fame Member that gets inducted into the State Horseshoe Hall of Fame will have their name and year inducted, added to the State Hall of Fame plaque.
Maine State Horseshoe Association Hall of Fame Resume
Check one: Achievement ( ) Meritorious Service ( ) Players Name_____________________________________________
Date Submitted____________________________________
NHPA Card#____________ ____________________ Check here if posthumous ( )
Submitted by ____________________________________________________________________
1) Number of years playing horseshoes?_____________________________________________
2) Number of years in NHPA?_______________________________________________________
3) Highest Sanctioned percentage game?____________________________________________
4) NHPA highest average ever held?_________________________________________________
5) Current Class or % Ave__________________________________________________________
6) Other classes you have been in?__________________________________________________
Have you been an organizer or have you been a NHPA sanctioned Tournament Director?________________________________________________________________________________
Have you been an organizer for non sanctioned horseshoes? ________________________________________________________________________________
State Championship? year and class________________________
State Association offices held? (list of offices and number of years held) __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
The Official Rules of Horseshoe Pitching states that "All Open Men and Senior contestants shall observe the 37-foot foul lines. Physically impaired males in these categories may be given permission by the governing NHPA officials to move onto the extended platforms and observe the 27 foot foul lines." (See Rule 3, Section A, number 2) The NHPA has further delegated the responsibility of this decision- making to the various State Associations for acceptance or denial. The steps of this process are outlined below. Please complete Parts I and IV of this form and return it to:
Maine State Secretary
Kristen Burke
36 Brann Road
Sommerville, Maine 04348
P A R T I - B A C K G R O U N D I N F O R M A T I O N
I,____________________ , am applying for a medical exemption which would allow me to pitch horseshoes in NHPA sanctioned events from a distance of 30 feet instead of 40 feet, due to the following medical condition and other information described below which I proclaim to be true and accurate.
What is the name of this medical condition? ______________________________________________________
For how long have you had this condition?______________
Do you consider this condition to be permanent?_________
For how long have you pitched horseshoes?____________
What is your current age?__________
Explain what area(s) of your body are affected and why this condition prevents you from being able to pitch from 40 feet. (Add an additional page if necessary)___________________________________________________________________
Have you seen a specialist about this medical condition?_________________________________________________
If so, for how long have you been under his/her care?___________________________________________________
Have you undergone surgery or other medical procedures for this condition?
If medical exemption is denied, will you continue pitching from 40 feet?___________________________________
The medical doctor most familiar with my medical condition is:
(In order to speed the process you may provide your doctor with the Medical information and Professional opinion form located below to be sent directly to the State Secretary)
Copies of the above information will be circulated among the Charter Council members for review. At this point, two- thirds or more of the council members must agree that this request deserves further consideration.
A separate medical questionnaire form may be sent to the attending physician for confirmation of the medical condition and for a professional opinion as it applies to the requested exemption.
I hereby give permission for my medical doctor to release to the Maine Charter Council any medical information about my health condition as it may relate to this exemption request.
Signature of applicant_____________________________________________
Phone number__________________________________________________
Zip code___________________
NHPA card_________________
Date of Birth_________________
Upon receiving the completed medical form from the attending physician, the State Secretary will re-circulate the combined forms among the
Charter Council members for a final decision. Again, a two-thirds or greater vote will be required for acceptance of the medical exemption. The President of the Charter Council will notify the pitcher, in writing, of the Council's decision and the pitcher may then, and only then, begin pitching in NHPA sanctioned events from the shorter distance. The State Charter shall periodically review the exemption and in cases
where the doctor did initially not declare the condition permanent, an updated professional opinion statement may be requested. The NHPA Executive Council reserves the right to review, modify and/or withdraw this form at any time.
Dear Doctor
As you may know, horseshoe pitching is a nationally organized sporting event with an
official set of rules.
a patient of yours, has requested a Medical exemption from Rule 3, Section A, number 2. (See top of other form) and has given permission (see Part FV of
other form) for you to complete this form and send your responses to
The Maine Council. This exemption, if granted, would allow him to pitch from a shorter
distance before reaching the age of 70; when men are officially given the option of pitching from this shorter distance.
Your patient has completed Parts I and IV of the other enclosed form. Please look over this information and then
respond to the questions below. We need this information and your professional opinion before we can act upon his
request. Please return this completed form in the enclosed, addressed/stamped envelope. Thank you for your help.
What is the name of this medical condition?__________________________________________________
- What area(s) of the body are affected?______________________________________________________
- For how long has this condition existed?____________________________________________________
- For how long have you treated the patient for this condition?______________________________________
- Do you consider this condition to be permanent?______________________________________________
- Have other treatments been recommended by you?____________________________________________
- Has this patient discussed with you the possibility of a medical exemption which would
allow him to pitch horseshoes from a shorter distance?___________________________________________
- Will you recommend that this patient NOT pitch horseshoes from a distance of 40 feet
if the request for this exemption is denied?___________________________________________________
Here is some additional information that may be helpful to your better understanding of how the physical requirements
of horseshoe pitching could be affected by this exemption:
- The amount of walking may remain about the same, but could be greater since 30-foot
pitchers may be required to return to the area of the stake while their opponent pitches.
The amount of bending, stooping, etc. required for the retrieval and measurement of shoes, should remain the
The amount of physical force required to pitch the horseshoe a shorter distance will be less.
- Note: A horseshoe weighs about 2 pounds and is pitched underhanded, as in softball.
In your professional opinion, will pitching a 2 pound horseshoe from a distance of 40 feet more seriously
aggravate this pitcher's medical condition than pitching from a distance of 30 feet?_________________________
Other comments:_______________________________________________________________________
Signature of Physician ____________________________________________Date____________________